Canyoneering USA

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Zion Bakefest: Imlay Canyon

Onto one of my favorites... Imlay Canyon. With the lowering of the Narrows, Imlay had just opened, and Tom Talboys's trip the day before was probably the first of the season. An early rise and...

Crossing the bridge, 5:30 AM. Some chipper, some barely awake.
Denise Manweiler, Ryan Gardner, Chris Raver, Steve Burr, James Burr and Bette Weise-Steffen

Scout Lookout with light in the sky.

The emperor looking a little peaked. Photo James Burr

Buttresses off the West Rim

At the little wooden bridge, a quick break before heading off across the landscape.

We took the right-hand shortcut route. Thankfully, we were in the shade the entire approach, but it was still hot. Trees and buttresses looming above Not-Imlay.

Descending from the first pass. Photo James Burr

A little rest before descending from the second pass.
Photo James Burr

Wandering through the woods, aglow.

Steve and James Burr, starting the drop in. Photo: Burr collection.

Working our way down to the alcove.

This was my first time going directly to the Alcove. A bit more routefinding
than I had been lead to believe, but no big deal. Photo: James Burr

Steepens up near the end. Photo James Burr

Suiting up at the Alcove. Finally ready to do some canyon. Photo James Burr

Inside the bowels of Imlay Canyon. It’s dark in there, so I don’t have many pictures
from inside the canyon.

A big moth dropped in on us at the rest break. Too hot for it?

Hanging out at the rest break, between sections of ‘extreme narrows’. It was so warm, we hung out in the shade.

Did the lower section, including a nice packtoss on one pothole. The canyon was in really good shape - cold, clean water filled most of the potholes, and swim-assisted beached-whale moves were (with the addition of one pack toss) the order of the day. Near the end of the second narrows, a log had washed out, making for an interesting log climb out of a deep, unfilled pothole. A pack toss and guided rappel could easily bypass this difficult climb out, but Chris wanted to enjoy climbing the giant slimy log, so he did!

Okay, one shot inside the canyon. A little drop, into a pool.

James on the final rappel. I think he had a good time.

Floating the river. The winter floods had scoured out more of a channel, and we tried floating the river in our wet and dry suits. The water was not quite high enough, so the ride was bumpy but fun nonetheless.

Da Crew, at the Veranda. Time to head back to camp for a little potluck dinner!!