Canyoneering USA

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Angels Landing in Winter, Zion National Park, UT

(Angels Landing)

Brandt Hart from Bluff was visiting the Zion area, and looking to get out and enjoy the sunshine (what there was of it). We thought Angels Landing might be adventurous in a small way, suitable for a days outing…

Here’s a bit of the Great White Flush, kinda an abstract.

(Angels Landing)

Not much snow on Walter’s Wiggle, but once we got to the top of the ridge, there was a pretty solid couple-a-inches.

(Angels Landing)

We had instep crampons, which were just enough to get the job done. We made good use of the chains all day. Photo: Brandt

photo: Brandt (Angels Landing)

There were a couple interesting gaps between chains, which I had never really noticed in summer!!! photo: Brandt

photo: Anna. (Angels Landing)

Brandt’s cat. Wasn’t along on the trip.

(Angels Landing)

Looking towards Echo Canyon, near the top.

(Angels Landing)

We gratefully received a brief splash of sun on the summit. This shot looking upcanyon.

(Angels Landing)

Looking downcanyon toward Springdale.

(Angels Landing)

This one’s for Beedeecee – three-pitch ice pillar coming out of Hook Canyon.

(Angels Landing)

Next day, snowed about 12″ in Mount Carmel. Here’s my little house feeling rather cozy.