Canyoneering on Lake Powell, Sept 15, 2020

Out onto Dominey Reservoir for another splendid September trip. The weather was bomber - blue sky, not much wind - but a bit on the hot side, so early starts were called for, and many of our approach hikes were long and took a lot out of me, who does not do that well in the heat. Especially after hiding in my basement all summer…

I don’t take enough pictures to tell the tale of A canyon, and it is Lake Powell, so we don’t anyway. Powell is a special place, a reserve of adventure canyoneering. We do not share beta. Many many Powell canyons are quite challenging. Difficult dangerous climbing is common as are anchor challenges. The SandTrap is the anchor of choice out here, and we bring a lot of talent along to solve the problems. When wet, a water anchor like the Water Pocket might be essential. And then there are lots of potholes. And… well, the list goes on.

Here are pictures from a few days on Powell, doing canyons. Enjoy. Click on each picture to see the next one.

Tom Jones