Right Fork of Leprechaun Canyon, North Wash


Shane has been exploring a new slot canyon area down near Hanksville, and was getting ready to release it to the Circle of Few when, ahem, well, they got kinda stuck. Sounded intense, so it seemed like a good time to go check it out.

The days are short but the weather seems to be holding. We charge out of town at 5pm sharp for a change, and make a beeline for a bacon cheeseburger at Ray’s.

Morning found us climbing the steep slickrock on the way to the Right Fork of Leprechaun Canyon. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Morning found us climbing the steep slickrock on the way to the Right Fork of Leprechaun Canyon. (Leprechaun Canyon)

About six hundred feet of climbing and two miles of pleasant walking and... (Leprechaun Canyon)

About six hundred feet of climbing and two miles of pleasant walking and... (Leprechaun Canyon)

...we approach the head of the Right Fork. (Leprechaun Canyon)

...we approach the head of the Right Fork. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Now at near the head, we explore up the tiny canyon into the limestone rim-rock. Nice little twisty thing. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Now at near the head, we explore up the tiny canyon into the limestone rim-rock. Nice little twisty thing. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Dave Black and Debbie Davis hanging out in the twisty slot. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Dave Black and Debbie Davis hanging out in the twisty slot. (Leprechaun Canyon)

And we drop into the canyon head. The canyon starts with nice, banded narrows. Deb Davis, Dave Black and Steve Lewis. (Leprechaun Canyon)

And we drop into the canyon head. The canyon starts with nice, banded narrows. Deb Davis, Dave Black and Steve Lewis. (Leprechaun Canyon)

A couple of short rappels, some interesting squeeze, a few narrow places - all good stuff, but not many pictures taken. Here Dave Black starts down into a squeeze section. (Leprechaun Canyon)

A couple of short rappels, some interesting squeeze, a few narrow places - all good stuff, but not many pictures taken. Here Dave Black starts down into a squeeze section. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Dave Black be da man! (Leprechaun Canyon)

Dave Black be da man! (Leprechaun Canyon)

Dave and Melody look on as Deb rappels. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Dave and Melody look on as Deb rappels. (Leprechaun Canyon)

After working through the canyon, the final section approaching the confluence with the Main Fork of Leprechaun drops quite a bit, including this rappel off a slung rock.

A large, streaked red wall marks the Main Fork and Leprechaun Junction. (Leprechaun Canyon)

A large, streaked red wall marks the Main Fork and Leprechaun Junction. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Steve Lewis starts down a little slot close to Leprechaun Junction... (Leprechaun Canyon)

Steve Lewis starts down a little slot close to Leprechaun Junction... (Leprechaun Canyon)

... and stands in awe (or something) of the charming sculptured sandstone in the next chamber. (Leprechaun Canyon)

... and stands in awe (or something) of the charming sculptured sandstone in the next chamber. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Alicia had the best time of anyone - her lilliputian size for once giving her great advantage. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Alicia had the best time of anyone - her lilliputian size for once giving her great advantage. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Tom and Alicia near Leprechaun Junction.

Tom and Alicia near Leprechaun Junction.

Plant and streaked wall in Leprechaun Canyon. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Plant and streaked wall in Leprechaun Canyon. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Kurty walking in the "Subway Section" of Leprechaun Canyon. (Leprechaun Canyon)

Kurty walking in the "Subway Section" of Leprechaun Canyon. (Leprechaun Canyon)