Canyoneering USA

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FreezeFest V: Upper Stair Canyon

The Freeze Fest Camp - the morning after. After the big day, a get away canyon. A few years earlier, on a Freezefest, we had done the complete Stair Canyon. It was great fun, especially convincing various people that the best way to rappel into the pool was completely naked, rap in, swim, put your clothes back on - no problemo. It was a cold day, perhaps the coldest ever on a FreezeFest.

But I digress. We found that the really good part of Stair Canyon was the upper half mile or so - a really nice, not-too-scary stemming slot, a whole lot easier without packs. We decided it would make the perfect sport slot for days like today - short, fun, strenuous and really really good.

(Upper Stair Canyon)

All pictures this Canyon are MINE, all mine!!!

(Upper Stair Canyon)

Padding up for the canyon. Denise and I, the smart ones, are down here, out of the wind, whilst the others, well…

(Upper Stair Canyon)

Getting started in the canyon: Martina, Stefanos, Davide El Wyoming.

(Upper Stair Canyon)

The warmup portion of the canyon, a couple fun little slot sections.

(Upper Stair Canyon)

At the start of the Business, the ever-energetic Dave takes all the beautiful, functional canyoneering packs (and some blue thing) up the slab to the side, where we would get them on the way out. This allows everyone to do the hard part of the canyon without baggage, well, at least without physical baggage.

(Upper Stair Canyon)

And into Stair. Such good stuff. Here’s a little slot, with Malia, Stefanos, Denise, Michelle and Ram, going high.

(Upper Stair Canyon)

I got to take the lead, which I rarely get to do in this kind of canyon. The more experienced people tend to move ahead quickly, knowing that hanging out in the hard sections just uses up energy. We wait at an easy part, for the others to catch up.

(Upper Stair Canyon)

Near the end, we have passed the hardest part and wait to help coach the others. This kind of canyon, each person is on their own. Coaching and the occasional boost help, but really, there is not much to it, other than just doing the moves.

Amazingly, Martina and Wyoming Dave went down in to do most of the slot at the bottom. Very impressive, very bold. When I looked down, I saw logs and rocks and a very narrow canyon.

(Upper Stair Canyon)

The high slot ends with a very nice elevator into the sun. Here comes Stefanos!

(Upper Stair Canyon)

I made some crack about riding in the jumpseat of Malia’s truck sometime last year, and that gal would just not forget it. So, I made the ultimate sacrifice and rode with the ladies in The Red Truck. A super big thanks to all who come out for Freezefest, especially those that bring firewood. So much fun, and again, not really so cold (except the days I wasn’t there).